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Petland Medicine Hat



Regular price $58.97 CAD
Regular price Sale price $58.97 CAD
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K9 Advantix® II is a topical monthly application that works through contact to control fleas, ticks and lice on dogs, and protects them from further infestation.

K9 Advantix® II also reduces biting by mosquitoes and stable flies and kills mosquitoes.

  • Helps get rid of fleas, ticks & lice —within 24 hours of treatment
  • Prevents further flea, tick & lice infestations for at least four weeks
  • Kills Fleas, flea eggs and larvae, effectively breaking all flea life-cycle stages.
  • Ticks do not need to feed to die. Ticks that don’t bite cant transmit diseases such as Lyme disease.
  • Safe and proven—can be used on puppies as young as eight weeks
  • Helps in the prevention of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)

For Canine use only.*

Only for use on dogs at least 8 weeks of age.

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